Shaking Barriers
The theme for these paintings centers around the experience of music and sound, something that has always been a vital source of inspiration to my work. These images bring to mind the dynamics of sound waves within enclosed spaces.
Das Thema für diese Bilder dreht sich um die Erfahrung von Musik und Klang, etwas, das immer eine wichtige Inspirationsquelle für meine Arbeit war. Diese Bilder erinnern an die Dynamik von Schallwellen in geschlossenen Räumen.
Standing Wave - acrylic on Mylar, 59.4cm x 84.1cm (DIN A1)
Transient - acrylic on Mylar, 59.4cm x 84.1cm (DIN A1)
Capacitor - acrylic on Mylar, 59.4cm x 84.1cm (DIN A1)
Headroom - acrylic on Mylar, 59.4cm x 84.1cm (DIN A1)
Subharmonic - acrylic on Mylar, 59.4cm x 84.1cm (DIN A1)
Sound Field - acrylic on Mylar, 59.4cm x 84.1cm (DIN A1)
Overdub - acrylic on Mylar, 59.4cm x 84.1cm (DIN A1)
Wave Guide - acrylic on Mylar, 59.4cm x 84.1cm (DIN A1)
Voice Coil - acrylic on Mylar, 59.4cm x 84.1cm (DIN A1)
Low Level Hum - acrylic on Mylar, 59.4cm x 84.1cm (DIN A1)