"Staring at Forever", acrylic and screen print on panel, 46" x 63" - Purchase Here

"Prisoners", acrylic and screen print on panel, 63" x 47"

"Stardust", acrylic on canvas, 30" x 40"

"Dream Control", acrylic on canvas, 30" x 30"

"Liquid Crystal Disruption", acrylic on canvas, 20" x 30"

"Tropic", acrylic on canvas, 20" x 30"

"Vectors", acrylic on canvas, 30" x 40"

"Against the Grain", acrylic on canvas, 20" x 20"

"Silt", acrylic on canvas, 20" x 20"

"Waldgefühl", acrylic on canvas, 20" x 20"

"Dowse", acrylic on canvas, 40" x 30"

"Dislodged", acrylic on canvas, 30" x 20"

"Screen Smash", acrylic on canvas, 30" x 30"